
Monday, January 7, 2013

Hello! I am very excited about being able to blog finally. Being a mother of three children, I have never had the time to sit down and create a blog, but thanks to Julianne Smith, now I can. She is an amazing woman that I have never met before, yet she took time out of her everyday schedule to make a blog page for Ben Jr. I am honored and I thank God for the great people that he has sent to help us along  our journey. 

Looking forward to blogging and getting the hang of things. Hope that we are all having a happy New Year.
God Bless and thank you all for following us.


  1. Hi Sirena!!
    I'm so glad you were able to log on to this blog. Feel free to change, add, update anything you wish- this is really YOUR blog. If you share this blog link and the Pinterest button I made, on your facebook page then more people may see it since it should stay in the newsfeed longer. Just a thought. :) I hope you have a good day and that Ben Jr has a good day as well.

  2. the sidebar buttons for the butterfly fund and debra look great! and the links to other eb kids is a wonderful add-on too.
    Julianne :)
